I can't believe Beryl is 10 months tomorrow. More worrying is it means Xmas is getting close.
Beryl continues to progress in all areas and although still too excited when people speak to me or come into the house she does settle quite quickly now. All my poor friends are having to ignore her when they arrive!
We have been away both with her and had her boarded. She coped really well with both and with the routine change. She probably enjoyed her long lie when getting boarded compared to when we have to get her up!!!
Our one problem is intermittent sickness. It occurs out of the blue about once every 10 days to 2 weeks. The present thinking is its acid as her antacids stopped it for 3 weeks. We are now getting a food change to gastro intestinal. Cross your fingers.
We are still waiting for her first season and despite her sister having had hers there is no sign. As this is my first girl I am being a bit paranoid when free running if a boy shows a lot of interest. Is this what it feels like when you have a daughter?
Pictures today show her out for an Autumnal free run and helping raise some money at M&S in Aberdeen.