Monday, 15 April 2019

A week in Beryl's life

Monday. After breakfast and the post breakfast nap its time to help me with my exercises. It certainly stops them being boring.  Then its off to the shops. Beryl walks beautifully(mostly) but does prefer the local pet shop to getting the bread and milk. Home again always trying to change the route.
Another nap while I have my cup of tea. This afternoon we have been asked to visit the residents in my father in laws home and chat about GD. Beryl again behaved so well but I do wonder if the heat kept her less bouncy.  Tea at 6 before settling down for the evening attached to the radiator.

Tuesday  GD school today so its Supervisor Dave worship day. Beryl now one of the oldest so no real hiccups at class and she certainly enjoys the frequent treats. After we get home Beryl has a lovely long nap so we haven't gone out again. A bit of play in the house with her toys before the usual evening. I might add if we have a vet or dog program Beryl does stay awake and watches with gusto.

Wednesday  Meet up with another PW who has no puppy at the moment. Beryl enjoys a free run through the woods but the coffee after in the cafe rather less. For some reason B just can't give in to sleep when out. Easy afternoon out in the garden etc.

Sorry thought this was published March but had forgotten so its half a week!!!

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